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The biggest celebration for Women in Small Business!

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It was a privilege to be chosen as the 2023 Australian Small Business Champion Woman Icon. It is an honour to be able to showcase my achievements as a business leader in the construction industry and pave the way for younger generations and entrepreneurs. I want to express my gratitude to Steve Loe of Precedent Productions for his vision and effort to bring these businesswoman awards to life. These awards are a wonderful opportunity to celebrate woman in business, let's continue to shatter glass ceilings!

Mel Gholami, Owner - Planix Projects
2023 Small Business Champion Women Icon

I was very emotional and excited on the night when I heard my name called out as the winner. I received calls, messages, flowers, and congratulating text from people from all over the country, and still today receiving wonderful feedback from industry leaders and community. I especially send love and thank my family, my team around me and most of all my customers. I feel very humble and grateful and shall encourage businesswoman across the country to enter this prestigious award.

Estelle Cornell, Owner - Allora Gardens Nursery
2022 Australian Women's Small Business Champion Woman Icon

I am extremely grateful to be announced the 2023 Champion Entrepreneur at the Australian Women’s Small Business Champion Awards. This recognition stands as a testament to the collective efforts and dedication of the exceptional team at The Sports Injury Clinic. Each day, we strive to deliver health care and support to our clients and community.

Pippa Hanson, CEO - The Sports Injury Clinic
2023 Small Business Champion Woman Entrepreneur